Rabu, 04 April 2012

the disease i have in my life

it's been a long timeeeee not updating a post in this blog. hahaha.. well.. i write this post while watching a football match barca and milan in RCTI. for a bout 3 years i'm being a milanisti but since this year i decided not to be a fanatic one anymore.. wkwkw.. okay then it's not the main point. so, i'd like to share that.. (goallll.. and barca now get 3 point.. :P) okaayy lanjut daaah...
SO! the main share is about my disease.. hohoho... the newest disease i have is thypus. well.. you know that thypus is caused by infection of salmonella thypi. Tell you that the signs and symptom isn't very clear at the beginning.. but it raising by the time. and mine, i have a midle fever and vomitting with a littlebit dizzy in 2 days. at first i guest it's just a common fever (masuk angin maksudnyah... :P).. 5 days later, i ate a chicken cordon bleu, i felt so dizzy and lost my sight so suddenly on my way home.. i thrown up my food and felt down with a less energy, and i got a widal test on ICU. the result was 1/320 which is positive for infection salmonella thypi O and H.
the widal test isn't spesific for thypus, but if the titer result reach up to 1/320 in the first time's test, then it is thypus with a matching clinical symptom and sign..

Another case i ever had was brain injury in 2006 but it comes lighter than i thought. I get my self unconsious in my room due to my head banged bookshelf and than down to the floor for about 5 minutes. Thanks for my dear friend pipit and dita. They found me and called for help. I dragged to hospital and recover fast but the pain is still remain esp when im exhausted or working too hard alias kekeselen, ndaaa 馃槀 i should gotta check but ya know.. Afraid of what would be found then instead of just dizzinessssss. Zzzz. 馃槕

and now, i have bed rest for a week

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